The best offer from the the insurance company for the bus company before the 3-week trial was only $25,000. Although the other side has threatened to appeal to drag out the process, the money the jury gave our client will change the course of her life by allowing her to obtain the critical medical treatment she needs (that Medicare will not pay for) that will allow her to no longer be bed ridden.
Description of injuries, damages: Our client fell on her right side, taking her 70 pound scooter with her. Her injuries included an exacerbation of injury to an arthritic shoulder which she had previously injured and dislocated in a prior fall, as well as an aggravation of a prior neck fusion. After recovering from her right shoulder replacement, one year after the bus incident, our client lost her balance, falling again; due to new symptoms she developed in the neck after the bus incident. During the second fall, the she fractured her left leg, which then had to be amputated due to complications associated with poor lower extremity circulation (pre-existing vascular disease). The jury determined that the bus incident had some connection to all of the injuries and awarded* $2,040,000*. The jury also assigned 60% liability to the bus company and 40% to the plaintiff
DISCLAIMER: Please note that every case is different and these verdicts and settlements, while accurate, do not represent what we may obtain for you in your case.
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