After you are injured in an Orange County slip-and-fall accident, it will be up to you to prove that the property owner or manager should be held responsible for your injuries. Victims of slip-and-fall accidents can protect their rights and increase their chances of a successful personal injury claim by keeping organized and thorough records of the incident.
Unfortunately, many injured victims wait until it’s too late to collect documentation related to their injuries or keep records that are incomplete or inaccurate, effectively wrecking their chances for compensation. As an example, here are two reasons why it’s so important to keep detailed records and start documenting your injuries immediately:
If you need help documenting or investigating your accident, please don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced Orange County slip-and-fall attorney who can help you get started. Please give Russell & Lazarus a call today at 1-(949) 851-0222, or simply fill out the confidential online contact form on this page for more information. Our experienced OC personal injury attorneys will aggressively defend your rights and explain the next steps in language you understand.