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Factors That May Impact the Value of a Wrongful Death Settlment

Dealing with a wrongful death claim for a loved one is an understandably stressful time. When dealing with an insurance company, an Orange County injury lawyer can explain factors the adjuster uses when placing a settlement value on the life of the victim.  An Orange County Injury Lawyer Discusses Issues Involving Life Expectancy An insurance company relies, […]

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A Newport Accident Lawyer Can Discuss Strategies for Handling Unscrupulous Claims Adjusters

While most insurance adjusters are ethical, from time to time, you may find yourself dealing with an unscrupulous claims representative. A Newport accident lawyer can help you recognize bad faith practices including unfair delays. A Newport Accident Lawyer Explains Laws That Prevent Adjusters from Unfairly Delaying Claims Processing As your Newport accident attorney can explain, state laws […]

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Common Spine and Soft Tissue Injuries

One of the first things that your Newport Beach injury law firm will want to do is assess whether or not your spine or soft-tissue injury is one commonly associated with car accidents. Your physician can help with this by discussing your symptoms and running tests. These are some frequently-seen spine and soft-tissue injuries in […]

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Understanding Your Lawyer’s Role During Litigation

If you hire a personal injury lawyer in Orange County, he will work as your advocate during every phase of litigation. This article discusses what your lawyer can do during different steps of the trial process. What a Personal Injury Lawyer in Orange County Does During Discovery Discovery is when both parties to a lawsuit exchange […]

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Understanding How Different Levels of Pain and Suffering Can Impact the Settlement Value of Your Case

Pain and suffering can be difficult to quantify when making a claim for injuries sustained in an accident. A personal injury attorney in Orange County can explain how insurance adjusters attempt to calculate your pain level with a view toward case valuation. A Personal Injury Attorney in Orange County Explains Class 3 or Moderately Severe Pain and […]

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