“A 40-year-old motorcycle rider was cut off by a vehicle making an unsafe lane change causing a knee injury. The defendant’s insurance company played games, and as a result, ended up paying three times the policy limits or $300,000.” Motorcycle accident cases are legally challenging. Before speaking to the insurance adjuster, it is always recommended […]
Read More<“A 37-year-old electrician sustained major head trauma after falling fifteen feet on to his head from a defective lift.”
Read More<“A 53-year-old Motorcycle rider was cut off by a driver on the freeway causing him to fall and shatter his ankle.”
Read More<“A 35-year-old painter lost his arm and sustained other serious injuries when his painting pole came in contact with 12,000 volts of electricity.”
Read More<“A 72-year-old grandmother, who fractured her left femur, was forced to go to trial by Allstate Insurance Company after being struck by a scooter while exiting the restroom of her church.”
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