A few municipalities in California have tried to enforce helmet laws for all bicyclists in the past. However, since state law doesn’t require adults to wear helmets while cycling and tends to trump local law, those laws have fallen by the wayside — at least one to a court challenge. Of course, we recommend that all […]
Read More<According to the California DMV, an overwhelming 22% of traffic fatalities in California are pedestrians. Given the number of auto accidents that occur each day, that seems absurdly high. But there are several possible reasons for it, including the fact that the laws regarding pedestrian right of way can be confusing. So when do pedestrians have the […]
Read More<If you or a family member have suffered severe burns due to someone else’s negligence or a defective product, you definitely need a good burn injury lawyer. You’re much more likely to receive a decent settlement for your injury if you’re working with a professional. At Russell & Lazarus APC, we know the relevant case law as well as […]
Read More<As the time rapidly approaches for ghosties, ghoulies, beasties, and things that go bump in the night to appear in droves, it’s a good idea to brush up on some Halloween safety tips. While Halloween can be a fun night for families and their kids, it also poses some potential dangers that could lead to real injuries. At Russell & Lazarus APC, […]
Read More<As a bicyclist, your actions right after an accident with a motor vehicle can seriously impact your bicycle accident claim later. Bicycle-car accidents and the moments afterward are incredibly scary, especially if you’ve been injured. So keep your head on straight, don’t accept any blame, and seek medical attention right away if you need it. […]
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