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Tips to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident in Orange County

Motorcycle accidents tend to be much more dangerous than accidents involving other types of vehicles. This primarily is due to the lack of protection a motorcycle provides. A motorcycle does not provide any seatbelts, airbags, or a crash-resistant frame. This means riders must be much more vigilant about their motorcycle in order to prevent an […]

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Don’t Sign an Insurance Medical Release After a Truck Accident

One of the most common mistakes that we have seen clients make after being injured in a serious Riverside County truck accident is signing a medical authorization provided by the at-fault party’s insurance company. We understand that after an accident, all you want to do is regain your health and be compensated for your medical […]

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Jenna Jameson Arrested for DUI Crash in Orange County

The former adult film star Jenna Jameson, 38, recently pleaded not guilty on July 27, 2012 to DUI charges from an Orange County crash that occurred on May 25, 2012. The alleged DUI crash occurred in Westminster, when Jameson wrapped her car around a light pole. According to Westminster police, Jameson was driving her Range […]

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19-Year-Old Passenger Loses Life in Fatal Santa Ana Car Accident

A fatal Orange County car accident claimed the life of 19-year-old Daniel Iglesias Sunday, after an SUV struck the Pontiac Trans Am in which he was riding as a passenger. The collision occurred at McFadden and Spruce Streets. Police believe that a third vehicle—a white minivan—was also involved in the fatal crash. It is believed […]

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The Types of Injuries That Result From CA Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles aren’t necessarily inherently dangerous, but being involved in an accident while on a motorcycle can be very dangerous to the rider. When motorcycles crash—whether as a result of rider error or the negligence of another driver on the road—severe injuries and even death can result. Some of the common injuries that can occur in […]

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