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How to Prevent Orange County Car Accidents During Holiday Traffic

The holidays are a joyful time of year which often involves family, good food, great friends, and celebration. However, the holidays also are one of the most dangerous times for travelers. Tired and drunk drivers are out in force, while the highways and interstates are more congested than during almost any other time of year.

How can you reduce your chances of a traffic accident during the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years holidays? Here are a few safety tips:

  • Don’t drive tired. Holiday revelers commonly make the poor decision of leaving a party late when they are fatigued, or of setting out on trips early in the morning to avoid traffic. Be aware that driving tired is extremely dangerous—and, many other drivers on the road at odd hours will be fatigued, also.
  • Have a plan to avoid drinking and driving. Don’t wait until after you’ve imbibed alcohol to find a way home. Your judgment already may be impaired. Instead, make a plan beforehand, so you can enjoy your eggnog and get home safely without driving.
  • Drive responsibly in traffic. The roads can be extremely congested on holiday weekends. Never tailgate, and always give yourself plenty of room to brake or stop in the event of suddenly slowing traffic.
  • Take regular breaks from the road. You are traveling for the holidays; you are not trying to break the world record for arriving at your destination the fastest. Take a break either every two hours or every 100 miles to avoid fatigue and road hypnosis.
  • Don’t let the kids be a distraction. Piling the kids into the car for a holiday road trip isn’t going to be quiet or peaceful. But it is vital for your family’s safety not to be distracted by whatever is going on in the back seat. Keep your eyes and your mind on the road.
  • Be prepared for poor weather. If you are traveling outside of southern California, you may run into wintery weather. Check weather reports before you leave and plan accordingly.

If you have been injured in an Orange County car accident, it is vital to understand who was responsible for the crash. You may deserve compensation. To find out more about your possible personal injury claim, contact Russell & Lazarus for a complimentary meeting with an experienced Newport Beach car accident attorney: (949) 851-0222.

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